Few things are more irritating than buying toiletries you know you’ll need to replace again month after month. Take some of the stress off your budget and start buying your personal care supplies at the dollar store. No matter if you’re high maintenance or low maintenance, you can find great deals on personal hygiene necessities if you turn to your local dollar store. We’ve compiled a list of the dollar store personal care items you need to look for on your next trip to the dollar store!

1 – Nail Files
Keeping up with your manicure is a chore in and of itself, but who has time and money to keep replacing used nail files and clippers? You can stock up at the dollar store and save yourself all the hassle of replacing those nail maintenance necessities month after month.
2 – Dandruff Shampoo
If you need medicated shampoo for your scalp, chances are you have already been looking for a cheaper way to keep yourself supplied with dandruff shampoo. The dollar store knows you need a better deal, and it is ready to step in with the dandruff shampoo you need at the dollar price point you want.

3 – Deep Conditioner
You might already know about the basic personal care items you can find at the dollar store, but did you know that they have specialty items as well? If your hair needs the soothing care of a deep conditioning treatment once a week, you are in luck! Dollar stores everywhere are working hard to keep the items you want on the shelves, because they know you need them at a better price.
4 – Mens Hair Color
Some personal items are usually so expensive that you’re shocked to find them at the dollar store. One of those items is hair color. But your local dollar store has found a way to stock mens hair color at your favorite price point. So if you (or someone you love) just has to hide those grays, check the shelves at your local dollar store to get the look you want at the best possible price.
5 – Lotion
Not only does your local dollar store have a lotion and body cream selection, but chances are they’ve got lotions that contain the wide array of ingredients you’re looking for to take care of your skin. Before you reach for the drug store option at five times the price, check out what your local dollar store has in stock.
6 – Dry Shampoo
If you use it when you travel, or just to extend your hair wash an extra day, dry shampoo is a staple in many toiletry bags. The dollar store has been listening to customer’s needs and most likely has dry shampoo in stock to help save you from the high prices you’ll pay for this time saver in a drug store.
7 – Personal Trimmer
Whether you’re keeping your brows or sideburns in check, or some more personal hairline, personal trimmers can come in handy! If you’re in the market for one, check the shelves of your local dollar store before you go to the big box store to pay higher prices.
8 – Hairbrush
No hairbrush lasts forever. But try living without one! No matter your hair type, chances are you need a brush from time to time, whether a gentle soft bristle, or something a little sturdier for tangles. The dollar store near you probably has a wide selection of brush types and sizes to meet your exact needs. They might also have some spiffy looking brushes too, to spice up your toiletry kit.

9 – Cotton Pads
We’re all tired of paying for paper goods we know aren’t reusable, so it’s important to save money on these items whenever we can. The dollar store is the first place to look for a bargain on items like cotton pads. Whether you use them to remove your makeup or remove your nail polish, these versatile pads are a great deal.
10 – Root Touch-up
We already know you’re careful with your money, so it’s no surprise you avoid the salon for as long as you can. Root touch-up color can help extend your hair color for a few extra weeks to keep your salon bills down. If you rely on this product to keep your style in check between salon visits, check the shelves of your local dollar store to see if they have the right shade for you to try.
11 – Toothbrushes
Few things are a better investment than taking good care of your teeth, but chances are you don’t replace your toothbrush enough. And we know why! You don’t want to pay for a new one. Yet again, the answer to this problem is probably at your local dollar store. You can find great deals on name brand toothbrushes in colors and sizes that will work for the whole family.

12 – Hair Elastics
Does someone in your house go through hair elastics at an alarming rate? (Is it you? We won’t tell!) These items are good for a few uses, but we all know hair elastics have a limited lifespan. If you’re tired of replacing hair bands for yourself, or maybe a junior member of your family, the dollar store is here to save the proverbial day with a wide selection of hair elastics in the fashionable looks and colors you want at a price you can’t beat.
13 – Body Wash
Talk about a personal care item that it feels like you just pour down the drain, body wash can be a real budget drain. We all want to look good and smell clean, but there has to be a better way to do it than expensive drug store body wash. The dollar store near you probably has a good selection of different types of body wash with just the scents you and your family are looking for.
14 – Hair Rollers
No matter how careful you may be, it seems like hair rollers have a tendency to go missing. Where do they go? Did they run off with the socks we lost in the dryer? But we digress, hair rollers are integral to many a diva’s morning or evening routine. They do need to be replaced fairly regularly, though, and it’s a pain in a wallet when those days roll around. So we’re happy to say we’ve seen hair rollers of all shapes and sizes on the shelves of dollar stores. Just another good reminder to always check the dollar store first for all your personal care needs!

15 – Lip Balm
Whether you’ve got a cold or allergies, or just a full time lip balm addiction, the dollar store has a terrific selection of lip balm from the brands you already love with the features you’re looking for. We know you’ll want to stock up, so look for those multi-packs to really save some green!
16 – Clarifying Shampoo
Beyond just the personal care basics, your local dollar store may have specialty beauty care items ready and waiting for you to take home. With trendy ingredients and the features you need, it’s well worth it to check the selection of shampoos at your local dollar store.
The dollar store is my favorite store to shop. Very well stocked also.